The Dome is Done!

July 29, 2013

The Dome is Done!

Completed Dome Screen Installation

The crew from Spitz Inc. put the last rivets into our new NanoSeam dome on Saturday, July 27, finally enclosing the space that for nearly a year has been a big, empty concrete chamber.

OSU Project Manager Becky Fields and Astronomy Dept. Professor Rick Pogge performed the work completion inspection this morning (Monday, July 29), and were very pleased to sign off on the work.

The Spitz crew is now packing up their tools, cleaning the space and heading off to their next dome installation job.  We thank Alex, Kenny, and the local crew for all of their hard work.

The dome looks beautiful.  Starting on Tuesday morning, the room is handed back to the general contractor to begin the next steps.  On the list is putting in the new light lock doors, finishing electrical installation, putting in the drop ceiling around the dome periphery, and painting the walls.  The flooring contractor is coming in for final measurements before laying the carpet, and another visit from the seating contractor is coming up to prepare for installation of our new seating.

Once this work is under way, we will schedule the delivery of the new projector, which will be installed over a 2-week period by a team from Spitz.

Getting the new dome in was a huge project milestone.  It won't be long now!