Programs for OSU Astronomy Students

During the regular academic year we offer a variety of programs for OSU students enrolled in one of our introductory astronomy courses (Astronomy 1101, and 1140 thru 1144), which will be announced in the classes themselves. All OSU students, including those not enrolled in our astronomy classes, are welcome to attend our public programs.

Astronomy Planetarium Nights

Planetarium shows are offered to all students enrolled in the introductory Astronomy courses. Members of the OSU community are welcome to attend on a space-available basis, but please note that these shows are presented at a level appropriate for college students and are not well-suited for school-age children.

These shows are scheduled by the requesting professor to compliment the material presented in the Astronomy 1101, & 2YYY classes. If you would like to attend a show but have missed all of those currently listed below, please check back during the following semester.

Please try to arrive 5-10 minutes before the scheduled time for the planetarium program.

Topics covered in the planetarium shows may include a general description of the night sky, how it changes over time, how it changes depending on your position on Earth, and why the Earth has seasons. The shows are given by graduate students in the OSU Astronomy Department and are presented at a level appropriate for students taking college-level introductory level Astronomy courses.

Some professors offer one-time extra credit for attending planetarium programs. Please see the TA giving the show after the program for the sign-up sheet. You must sign-in in-person (no proxies). Students who leave early will not receive attendance credit.

Telescope Observing Sessions

In addition to planetarium shows, we offer one telescope viewing session per semester with the department's 12-inch Meade computer-controlled telescope located on the roof of Smith Laboratory. The viewing sessions are run by OSU astronomy graduate students, and will include the observation of several exciting astronomical objects. This often includes, but is not limited to, the moon, planets, nebulae, and globular clusters.

All Telescope Observing Sessions are subject to cancelation without notice due to bad weather (you can't see stars through clouds, and you don't want to get the telescope wet!). If a Telescope Observing Session is canceled, we usually try to schedule an "Alternate Roof Night" on an alternate night. These sessions will be listed on the Events page, and up-to-date weather cancellations/reschedulings will also be announced on our OSU Planetarium facebook page.